From preacher's kid to New Age and back to Christ


i'm taking my last 20 years of unbelievable stories & lessons learned and putting them into high-quality, life-changing courses, for such a time as this.

Let's Get Started!


Frankly,  it's overwhelming some days. Because we're not just pressured to do all these things - we're pressured to do them WELL. This results in a culture numbing out on all the "good" stuff in excess - pornography, alcohol, drugs, sex, sex, & more sex, serial dating, chronic TV binging, and overall wasting time. I submit to you an alternative. What if, instead of numbing out on stuff that ruins the body anyway, we returned to a reckless desire for the One who created us in the first place and started letting Him help us with "all the things" using something HE created and gives us freely when we ask - discernment?

see the courses in the lab...

Frankly,  it's overwhelming some days. Because we're not just pressured to do all these things - we're pressured to do them WELL. This results in a culture numbing out on all the "good" stuff in excess - pornography, alcohol, drugs, sex, sex, & more sex, serial dating, chronic TV binging, and overall wasting time. I submit to you an alternative. What if, instead of numbing out on stuff that ruins the body anyway, we returned to a reckless desire for the One who created us in the first place and started letting Him help us with "all the things" using something HE created and gives us freely when we ask - discernment?

see the courses in the lab...


Finally: A 3-part complimentary video course on discernment.

Discernment is one of the most powerful gifts God gives us to be IN culture but not OF this culture. It is the tool the Holy Spirit works in us to be able to make decisions, discern spirits, and increase our confidence in our daily lives. Indecision, analysis paralysis, and fear are all products of a lack of discernment. This course will change that!


More Info >


Cross “figure out how to be IN the world but not OF it” off your list for good.

Here's an idea: You don't actually HAVE to do things like everyone else does them. Ever. You don't have to dress like other people dress to get attention. You don't have to "fit in" to be accepted. You can also FULLY serve Christ and have an AMAZING, thriving life with healthy boundaries and love like you've never known, all while securing your eternity. God spoke to me to write this course for us to learn what this looks like, so this course is coming in 2024. 

Kingdom Over Culture


Learn how to recognize demonic influence & activity in 2024.

I'm one of the few people I know who have been graced to understand the demonic. Partially, from things I've been through directly or indirectly, including my Mother's death. It is IMPERATIVE in the times we're living in you understand how to recognize, discern, pray against, and war in the spirit against demonic influence. It's EVERYWHERE. It's in music, TV, media, and people. Learn in 2024 how to not only spot demonic influence, but how to respond to it.

Demonic Influence Training


All New Age is a COPY CAT of what God has created. Stop serving imitative spirituality.

After spending over 10 years both dabbling in and entrenched in New Age, I ended up right back where I started - with Jesus at the center of it all. And in that time, I learned a LOT. Take a course from someone who's actually been deeply embedded in New Age, learn the dangers of it, and see scripturally-sound rebuttal for most of the things you see out there (and then some). This course will be released in 2024. 

New Age Never


Top Tier Education

Cultural Reframing

Discerning Insight

Rooted Resilience

Empathy & Sensitivity

Education is and always has empowered and changed communities & cultures. We aim to be no different. Reframing the culture we live in to be a place we're in but not of. Discerning insight to help us navigate relationships, decisions, and ourselves. Rooted resilience derived from our experiences. Empathy & sensitivity to our own but also other people's pain.
These are the values of Discernment Lab.

What Makes Us

Discernment Lab's core methodology was created with 5 key elements in mind (& heart) that sets us apart from other places you might find similar training. But overall is our commitment to high-quality, scripturally-based education that doesn't wonder around in the New Age realm or the "comfortable" non-Biblical air. Let there never be a question that Discernment Lab brings everything we teach back to the living, breathing, life-giving Word of God. Full Stop.

our methodology of learning:
co-learning. community. care. complexity. creativity.


people like us

Deep Thinkers

Jesus Lovers

Kingdom Seekers

People tired of New Age

Truth Tellers

Voracious Learners

Discernment Lab's courses & community are for thinkers, learners, and people pursuing the heart of Jesus. There is no lukewarm-ness here. We're not interested in being spewed out of the mouth of God (Revelation 3:16)

We denounce New Age and everything associated with it, from tarot to reiki, to astrology, to Yoga, to what I call "Starseed Theology", to ALL necromancy and talk of "3d, 5d, 9d timelines", "vibrations", and Akashic records. None of this is Biblical. 

We love and accept all people here who have a desire to authentically learn (even if you're still involved in the above), and we will deliver content you can't find on these topics anywhere else on this scale. Your heart and life will be changed through these courses.