We don't have to be consumed by culture. 
There is and always has been a better way. 
I've known that Way since I was 12 years old, but I got a little lost in culture along the way. Finding my way back to Christ has been the MOST rewarding. 

It might be the "tea" to them, but it's the T to me, as in Testimony. MY testimony. It's sacred space. And I'm now in a position to do spiritual warfare with God's people against demonic influence, New Age spirituality, and then some. 

Fall & Winter > Summer

Jesus, Daily

Morning or Evening Walks

Hot Tea, Fresh Laundry

Home Decor & Interiors

Laughter is Healing

Several years ago, I started asking questions of myself for the purpose of personal growth. Those questions started being answered (or so I thought) as I began looking outside of the Bible for them. I ended up deeply embedded in New Age then found my way back to Jesus after the frustration and emptiness set in.

A lot of people end up in New Age post-trauma. For me, it was simply that I was a deep thinker and I couldn't see my way through to the answers I was seeking. I also wanted to know myself more. "Know Thyself", right? Yes, but we have to be careful where we go searching. I grew up knowing Jesus, yet still got sucked in by New Age practices - everything from tarot to astrology to meditation to other forms of necromancy. But I gotta tell ya - stuff just wasn't adding up for me...

New Age, on every level, is a completely fabricated copy of God's creation, creativity, and Word. This is why people constantly exit New Age saying they feel confused, empty, and frustrated. New Age isn't created spirituality- it's imitated. (Satan can't create). It's the difference between Pepsi & Coke - YOU CAN TELL.

Toward the end of 2023, God really set me free from all of it. Miraculously. Something major shifted in my life, which I believe opened my heart and spirit in a new way and allowed God to show me how I had been led astray and how the last 10-15 years were directly tied to my purpose. Discernment Lab  (as an idea/name) had been given to me by God an entire year before it became what it is today. I have a righteous indignation about what Satan is doing to people in our culture, the gross lack of discernment (even in - and especially in - Christian culture), and the amount of false prophecy & teaching that is running rampant. I am a modern-day Jude. I also have a special sensitivity and knowledge as it relates to demonic movement and New Age and how to coach and lead people out of these strongholds.

I'm that curly-haired, opinionated misfit, truth-telling, sunglass-wearing woman of God who understands her purpose.

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I believe in the power of worship, keeping a beautiful home, coffee for the body, clothes that make you feel good, & travel for the soul. 

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And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. 7Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

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A few of my

Favorite things

time w/ the Lord


at home.


Where there's a need...

iced tea. no lemon.

West Coast