Dream: I was in a house, and the first thing I noticed were 2 snakes. One was HUGE & it had 2 heads (one at each end). The other one was a small snake. I also noticed there was standing water in areas of the house.
The snakes were feasting on a heap of bell peppers (green)
Green – Prosperity, growth, life
House – Home, dwelling place, the church
Water – Nations of the earth, agitation
Serpent – Satan & evil spirits
Green bell peppers are fruit and appear FIRST on the vine – least ripe. Immature.
Immature people in the faith:
Never read the Word
Think everything is about them (focus on self)
Casual about sin
Skeptical about His coming
Ezekiel 32
The word ‘uncircumcised’ in Ezekiel 32 is the Hebrew verb, meaning to seal a covenant or “cut”
This word is mentioned 10 times. The number 10 in Hebrew is VERY significant. Every Hebrew letter has a corresponding number equivalent. The Hebrew character or letter that equals 10 is ‘Yud’ – the smallest Hebrew letter. The Yud symbolizes God’s hand, meaning how God’s hand works or interacts in our lives. So Ezekiel 32 is symbolic to what the hand of God can and will do in the coming months & years ahead – it will be like in the days of Egypt.
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