Advocating For Discernment Over Delusion In The Final Hour
It's SO Nice To Have You Here...
Founder. Creative. Daughter of God. Artist. I'm here to take you along with me as we explore all the intricacies of being in culture but not of it and how we achieve that using one tool: discernment.
Welcome to Discernment Lab! This space is devoted to the advancement Of Kingdom Over Culture and advocates for the two types of discernment the Bible teaches us: 1) The Gift Of Discernment (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and 2) Discernment Through Education & Practice (Hebrews 5:14). This is a ministry devoted to training on the SKILL of discernment and strengthening the GIFT of discernment. Both are valuable and necessary - especially for today. We have the goal of producing Kingdom-minded, Kingdom-hearted, and deeply discerning disciples who are impactful, compassionate, creative, and truly committed to God. All of our media trains, encourages, and inspires us all to prioritize Kingdom over culture and Discernment Over Delusion. Welcome to it.
Just In...
Discernment Coaching is for those who are ready for the next level in their spiritual life, know they're not where they need to be spiritually, and/or are lacking discernment in some area. I can help you break through the resistance.
Using my extremely strategic, yet creative brain is one of my favorite things to do. These strategy sessions are for creative brainstorming, brand planning & strategy, business models creation, & more - all done through a biblical lens.
"Anyone who works with me gets the advantage of access to my spiritual gifts combined with my strategic and creative brain. And even though these are different types of sessions, I use all of my gifts and self in all of my sessions. It's a powerful combo. I put EVERYTHING into my coaching sessions and clients, and they FEEL it. I pray for and empower my clients, and I love them with the love of Christ. What an honor.
My spiritual gifts ( (1 Corinthians 12:1-11): Discerning of Spirits, Prophecy through visions & dreams, & Teaching