In this dream, I awoke to a loud boom sound but went back to sleep. The next morning when I awoke, there were lots of people missing or gone with no explanation. None of these people were Christians. I noticed all my windows were fully in tact, but a mirror in the room had a crack in it. There were 2 women who came to see me who were distraught I was comforting & ministering to. I woke up at 6:34 a.m. from this dream.
The Lord is going to deal with people whose hearts are unrepentant and who will never repent. They will either disappear or die suddenly, all at once. Mirrors represent state of the heart (which was cracked). 634 (the time stamp for when I awoke from this dream), is the Greek word ‘apopipto’ meaning “to fall away” or “depart.”
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