”Pride is a black hole of consuming selfishness at the core of fallen human nature. Pride’s nature is to consume, to bring into the self. It sees other people, all of creation, and God himself as things to use in service to the self’s desires.
We all know this by experience. We know the more we feed any expression of pride, whether through sex or anger or covetousness or whatever, pride’s appetite grows and urges us to consume more and more.
So just as gluttony or anorexia is pride, infecting and manipulating the self’s orientation toward food, or greed is pride infecting or manipulating the self’s orientation toward money, sexual immorality and perversions are pride, infecting and manipulating the self’s orientation toward sex. Sexual sin is unhinged human pride rejecting the Creator in order to sexually consume others for the benefit of the self.”
Taken from: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/the-real-root-of-sexual-sin
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