Good evening, fam. I realize it’s Christmas Eve, but in the KOG there are no days off.
Early this morning, I was given a dream of an ENORMOUS crocodile that emerged out of nowhere – out of a marshy wetland that was next to a building me and a group of other people were standing next to. The crocodile was massive. Far bigger than I had ever seen with the naked eye – even in photos. It was like the Nephilim of the crocodile, if you will. Everyone I was with escaped the crocodile’s chasing of us and were able to get indoors to the building and I woke up.
I’ve been praying about this dream all day. The below is what the Lord led me to share, and I have to share it tonight per His leading.
In Exodus, when Moses and Aaron arrive to talk with Pharaoh to let their people go (the Israelites), there is a “whose God is better” war we know occurs with each of them throwing down their staffs and them turning into various animals. As the Egyptians were known for their “magic” capabilities, they were not only able to mimic what Moses and Aaron’s staffs did, they later were also able to mimic some of the plagues God brought on Egypt.
Exodus 7:8-13
“Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Prove yourselves by working a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.’” So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the Lord commanded. Aaron cast down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they, the magicians of Egypt, also did the same by their secret arts. For each man cast down his staff, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. Still Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not listen to them, as the Lord had said.”
Now. In English translations, the word ‘taneen’ is translated to be serpent, but in Hebrew it is crocodile. It is actually believed that Moses’ rod or staff turned into a snake, but Aaron’s turned into a crocodile. This makes logical sense, because there would be no need for God to attempt to show He is God twice in the exact same way. It makes way more sense that He would try different animals.
In Egyptian mythology, ‘Sobek’ was associated with Nile crocodiles and was linked to Pharaoh’s power, fertility, and MILITARY STRENGTH.
So in this game of “whose God is real” they were playing, by having Aaron’s crocodile eat the Egyptian magician’s crocodiles (because that’s what happened), God was clearly demonstrating His power over everything – including the Egyptian gods.
Ezekiel 29:1-6
“In the tenth year, on the twelfth day of the tenth month, the LORD’s word came to me: Human one, face Pharaoh, Egypt’s king, and prophesy against him and against all of Egypt. Speak and say, The LORD God proclaims: I’m against you, Pharaoh, Egypt’s king, great crocodile lurking in the Nile’s canals, who says, “The Nile is all mine; I made it for myself!” I will set hooks in your jaws; I will make the fish from the Nile’s canals cling to your scales. I will drag you out of the Nile’s canals, and also all the fish from the Nile’s canals clinging to your scales. I will fling you out into the desert, and also all the fish from the Nile’s canals. You will fall on the open ground, and won’t be gathered or retrieved. I’ve given you to the beasts of the earth and the birds in the sky for food. Everyone living in Egypt will know that I am the LORD. Because they were a flimsy crutch for the house of Israel—”
Here, we see again a connection between the Nile, the crocodile, and God’s judgment. Ezekiel prophesied God’s judgment would come on Egypt for two reasons:
Ezekiel describes the staffs as “support made of straw” or “staff made of reed”, in both cases the language is indicative of weakness. That this is not a source that can be trusted or leaned upon. Easily broken. The Hebrew word for staff is ‘Mishenet’ meaning something to lean on. Again indicating how Israel (in their foolishness) leaned on these other gods. Ezekiel wrote in chapter 29, verse 14 that “Egypt, in all its greatness, would become “a lowly kingdom.”
People of God. There are things coming on the earth that are going to reveal who people’s gods are. And who they WANT their God to be. For many many people, their god is themself. I do what I want, when I want, how I want, with whom I want. I do what feels good to me when I want. I do what serves ME and not what serves God. Me, me, me, me. Self-serving. Self-reliant. Relying on everything but God: degrees, intellect, social clout, image, attention, addictions, etc.
This dream is an encouragement and warning to us to get our ‘gods’ in order and make God our only God. HE is everything we need. He created us to need Him ,not fill that need with every kind of witchcraft, pleasure, rebellion, food, celebrity worship, social media addiction, relationship, or other vice.
And, unfortunately, I believe this was yet another warning that judgment is coming on the people who don’t have this posture of heart. The crocodile represents that. 🐊 The group I was with in the dream were all safe from this attack, and I believe that is a picture of what this is going to look like.
Praise Yahweh for His word.
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