I was in my living room when suddenly, a long, heavy demonic arm reached out from the wall, put its hand around my waist and began pulling me with force through the wall of my apartment.
This force was incredibly strong. In fact, in the dream, I knew it was a demon, so I knew the only way I could defeat it was to say the name of Jesus. I tried to speak and the demonic force closed my mouth with its other hand where I could no longer speak. So I mumbled anyway, “Jesus! In the name of Jesus!”
Then I suddenly saw a mosaic of Jesus’ face above my head – I was laying down flat by now, try to fight off this demonic force. I was so scared but I just kept saying, “Yeshua Hamashiach! Yeshua Hamaschiach!” Then finally, I tried to say “Holy Spirit, COME!” AND BOOM, the demonic was released and dropped me and fled. I woke up.
When I woke up, my body was tingling all over. I have NEVER had a dream like this – EVER. I was laying there in the dark in my bed like, “did that really just happen?!” I felt scared yet also overwhelmingly at peace. I felt like the presence was still there, so I began to pray and take authority, citing Luke 10:19. I felt a total release and that demon left completely. The Lord showed me an angel sitting on the side of my bed and said I could go back to sleep – that everything was okay. I slept for a few more hours peacefully.
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