Dream: Plumes & Protection


I woke up after having a dream about putting on a band uniform and the plume we used to put in our marching hats. As I awoke, the Holy Spirit just kept saying to me all morning, “plume, plumes, plume.”

The word ‘plume’ has 2 meanings:

  1. A token of honor. A feather or feather like token of honor or distinction, especially one worn on a helmet.
  2. A tall, thin mass of smoke, dust or similar substance that rises into the air. Plume of smoke from chimney, for example.


  1. God’s remnant must be distinct. Other. Willing to be set apart. Holy without spot or wrinkle.
    • He bestows his honor on you when you choose him. You’re proud of him (wear the plume) and he’s proud of you – bestows the plume.
    • He sees everything you give up for him & that you choose him.
  2. Plume isn’t in the Bible, but pillar is. They are alike in meaning. In Exodus 13:21, God led Israel by day in a pillar of a cloud and a pillar of fire by night to give them light. Exodus 13:22 – He took not away the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people. *Constant presence*
    • He guides those who honor him and honors those who are distinct, holy, and other.

Word of the Lord

Come unto me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest, says the Lord. Under my wings is the safest place you can be. Have I not covered you with my love? Is my arm too short to save? Where is your faith? The same God who delivered Israel watches over you today. I will not let my children be devoured by vultures or mocked by predators. In me is all the hope you need. My realm is one of safety and love. Peace and triumph. My words are sure. They are tested. They are true. The fulfillment you’re looking for is only in my kingdom. Other kingdoms lack substance. They deceive. They mock. They are weak, says the Lord. My people and my kingdom shall be the same. Victorious. Clean. Unwrinkled. With power. I am coming soon to fill those who are seeking. Arise & shine for your light has come.

A few days before this happened, there was a huge fire in the distance, and I could see it from my sofa. He brought this back to my remembrance then.

Prophetic Warning: I believe there are attacks coming on multiple cities in the US – represented by the smoke I saw rising up from a city in the distance.

‘Feathers’ = God’s protection

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