Vision & Prophetic Word: Shakings


A display was in this vision with many phones & other items that were all vibrating (shaking). Some shook more violently than others. You would walk up to the display, place your hand on it, and turn the display to “test” each device.

There is another shaking coming, says the Lord. I am gathering my remnant and the people willing to fully transition into my power, strength, and anointing. This is the anointing of Moses. I have soaked the sheep with my oil. You are protected by my Spirit. You must be willing to leave behind the old to have and see the new. Just like the Ark, says the Lord. I will preserve who I know. Who I do not know will be left behind to fend for themselves. Do not test me, says the Lord. I have warned you many times and tried to prepare you for the shaking. I will not be tested, for I am the one true God. Who will be like Moses and follow me instead of the world’s systems? Where is your faith? Have I not brought you through fire after fire? Is my love not enough? Turn to me now. This is the last call before I shake everything that can be shaken.


  1. Psalm 23
  2. Psalm 133:2
  3. Leviticus 8:10-13 (consecration of Aaron & his sons)
  4. Exodus 29:7

A note on oil on sheep:

  • Protects them from insects – the oil repels insects and soothes the sheep
  • Heals wounds – the oil helps heal wounds from barbed wire fencing, rocks, sticks, and predators (Physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds)
  • Refreshes – the oil refreshes the sheep after a hot day. Often perfumed with herbs & spices.

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