Dream: Me with empty shopping cart wondering around a parking lot and going in and out of stores (the season was Fall/Autumn)
Basket represents our life.
- The thing that needs to be filled
- Emptiness indicates an unfruitful or unfulfilling season. (That doesn’t mean it is!) It just looks that way.
The season – Fall.
- I noticed the season, which was Fall. Provision comes and goes in seasons.
- Israel’s whole story & path
- Manna FELL from heaven
The empty basket.
- Somewhere to receive & store blessings & provisions
- It’s a blessing to go to the grocery store & fill up a cart!
- represents “readiness” and an uncluttered spirit will yield uncluttered clarity and peace.
- Jesus had 12 disciples and 12 baskets. Coincidence? No. He was teaching 12 men how to bless others. They worked and had their needs met. (Luke 6:1)
- Proof of future provision
I never bought anything or put 1 thing into my basket.
- Recognition that we need nothing but God.
I was moving the entire dream.
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