When I think about the truth, I think about the billions of people looking for it within themselves. “Find YOUR truth”, they say. The fallacy with that is we were never meant to feel or have that kind of pressure. We look for truth in what feels pleasurable, manageable, and believable. If we can believe it or rationalize it, it qualifies as truth. And as long as we don’t feel like we’re lying, we are confident we’ve landed on it.
The thing about truth is, in order for it to be true, it has to surpass emotion and the pleasure center. For something to be true, it needs roots.
The truth can only be found where we began. The Bible is not a book of rules – it’s a love story, cover to cover – for how God has always known us, always desired us, and was willing to die for us.
Jesus wasn’t just a man. He came to point us to what’s true. And He’s not hard to find.
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